Shuffle Dance
Same as Breakdance?
Shuffle dance is not like breakdance, because it's not to be competed. But, it also have some sporty effect, just like breakdance.
Do you know, it's said that if we do shuffle for 5 minutes, it's equal to 30 minutes doing treadmill! So, besides that it's fun, it also make our body healthy.
Shuffle dance is actually easy, if we have known the basic movements which are all based on the heel and the foot.
Shuffle Dance Style
The basic step of shuffle itself is the running man and T-step. Running man, two-step walking in the place but do not go forward. T-step is the shuffle movement itself that is divided into several types. There is a hard style, which the feet is lifted higher, just like stomping our feet. Old style which is said that it is the original style of Melbourne shuffle, which do not hurry, has many T-step and more flooping. There are also Malaysian style, which moves like a running man, but only one step. They use body was pushed forward and swing. And there are many more styles and movements of shuffle dance!
Hey, why don't you watch this shuffle dance video taken from!
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